Many of the offers that appear on this website come from advertisers, and this website is compensated for being listed here. This compensation may affect how and where the products are displayed on this website (including, for example, the order in which they appear). These offers do not represen
By: Michael Young December 3, 2021 at 8:00 AM
The next one in our construction countdown to No. 29 is 451 Tenth Avenue, a 587-foot-tall residential skyscraper in Hudson Yards. This 45-story building designed by Handel Architects and developed by related companies is located on an L-shaped
Written by Sebastian Morris at 7:00 AM on December 5, 2021
With the construction of the Brooklyn Crossing nearing completion, the Brodsky organization is preparing to start leasing a residential building with 858 units. The property is located at 18 Sixth Avenue in Prospect Heights, 51 fl
Ord/Tecnoglass Inc (NASDAQ: TGLS) announced on December 31, 2021 that it will pay a dividend of US$0.0650 per share to shareholders of record as of December 31, 2021. The dividend per share is US$0.0650. The final dividend is paid.
Ord/Tecnoglass Inc (NASDAQ: TGLS) has paid dividends since
By: Michael Young July 6, 2021 at 8:00 AM
The exterior works of Foster + Partners’ 50 Hudson Yards are nearing completion, a 1,011-foot commercial super high-rise located in Hudson Yards. The 58-story skyscraper was developed by related companies and Oxford Real Estate. It is the final
By: Michael Young December 5, 2021 at 7:30 AM
The 15-story commercial building "Two Bryant Park" at 1100 Avenue of the Americas in Midtown Manhattan is about to be completed. The project was designed by MdeAS Architects and developed by Brookfield Properties and involved the re-cladding a
Report Ocean publishes a new report on the prefabricated construction market. The prefabricated construction market report contains information about many factors, such as market constraints, drivers, and opportunities. In addition, the report provides an in-depth review of industry developments
With real estate becoming a technology business, it’s time for the CTO to shine
Building more meeting rooms is not the answer
Urban residents have a serious fear of surveillance
With real estate becoming a technology business, it’s time for the CTO to shine
The lagging
At 900 feet tall, this luxury residential condominium is the tallest building in New Jersey. The wing shape of the skyscraper covered with limestone and glass curtain walls with more than 780 units maximizes the view and provides a slender silhouette on the skyline. The design also helps 99 Hudso
Rob Wilson writes that this approach creates an elegant artist's studio and home, as well as an independent apartment on a restricted dead end plot in Bouverimaus, north London.
May 20, 2021, by Rob Wilson. Rory Gardner Photography
At the entrance of this residence and stud